Fan No.68 - Linda Nguyen

Name: Linda Nguyen, 16, Heckenberg, Sydney, Australia

I like to pretend I'm old and mature, but really i'm still a child who loves to watch anything remotely related to jackie chan over and over again & wishes to one day travel all over asia to meet my favourite celebrities :)

What Attracts you to Jackie & his films? his sense of humour and his failed english in the rush hour (cuts). even though he's aged, his movie are still awesome and never get tired to rewatch

What do you admire the most about Jackie? how he does all the stunts himself

Name the 3 Jackie Chan films that come to mind? New Police Story, Karate Kid & The Myth

What is your most favourite Jackie Chan film and why? My favourite Jackie Chan film would have to be Karate Kid. it was abit different from his other films, he worked alongside Jayden Smith to bring both comedy and intensity for the audience.
I cried at the scene where after Jackie had smashed the car and sat inside crying, then Jayden came over and took his hand.
Did you know, Jackie Chan's first stunt was jumping off a moving bus at the age of twelve.

Leave a personal Message for Jackie: jackie, keep up the awesome filming you do. you may have aged but damn you can still put your best in every single film. so kick butt your way to sydney where you have so many fans hoping to see you, kids to look up to you and me, standing in the front screaming 'jackieeeee~' :)

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